Grow yeast- Sugar Fermentation

Grow yeast- Sugar Fermentation Lesson Video:

Lesson Plan:

*You can use the document in the link below to either: tailor the experiment to your needs or to have a printable version of this lesson plan*

Google Doc of Grow yeast- Sugar Fermentation Lesson Plan

The plan is editable and printable. Copy the Google Doc in your own drive and make edits or you can just print.


Students will learn about yeast and how it is used to make bread rise. They will learn about the process of sugar fermentation. This process will be implemented by placing yeast in three different environments to grow.


  • 5 min prep
  • 5-10 min to observe

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the fungal species of yeast used to make bread.
  2. Hypothesize what environment yeast grows in.
  3. Observe which environment is best for growing yeast.
  4. Analyze how yeast ferments sugar to produce carbon dioxide gas.


STEAM Subjects: 

Science (Chemistry) and Art

Science Vocabulary: 

Fungi, fermentation,  cells, species, gas


Materials Per Person:

  • 3 Clear plastic cups or any clear cup 
  • 2 teaspoons sugar (1 sugar packet) 
  • Water (warm)
  • 3 packages of instant dry yeast
  • Spoon for mixing
  • Marker
  • Masking tape or post-it notes

Special Thank You to Our Funding From:

CSU Internal Funding Sources:

  • IRA (Instructionally Related Activities Fund)
  • Faculty Small Grant

External Funding Sources:

  • Adobe